Tuesday, April 27, 2010

History's Greatest Tragedy

Is that the world's greatest ideas eventually get written off as cliches.

Negative Approach forms circa 1981 and is one of the first to introduce a new sound referred to as "mosh." This sound was so influential and liked that even to this day, you can't walk into a local hardcore / punk show without hearing it at least once in every band's set.
At the time it was mind blowing, but show some 16 year old know-nothing kid Ready to Fight, and he'll just tell you it sounds like an Outbreak song.

Same thing can be said for various music greats, influencing the music world so greatly that everything after it takes something from it, making anyone who wasn't around before said influence callous to it.

Another Example:
The custom car and motorcycle culture (I'm not hip enough to spell it Kulture and not feel like a poser). Truly an avenue where nothing is new, it's all been done, and if it hasn't, there's probably a reason for it. However every once in a while a new perspective will be taken on a classic genre of customs that will turn said culture upside down and shift what is popular. Most recently early 60's styled bikes are everywhere, and while I personally like most of it, I can see it getting old.

I will be the first one to admit that I'm still fairly new to the motorcycle scene, and that this resurgence of early choppers is what really hooked me, so I wasn't around really before hand, but I can see it turning already. I've read enough articles and seen a few movies that are a little dated, showcasing bikes that are still more or less "in style" but hipsters and trend setter might find a little cliche. If you check the date, they were doing this 60's thing while everyone else was doing the flat black and white wall rock a billy thing (or worse... billet big tire things), so at the time it was fresh. Fast forward 5-10 years and now it's played out already. Period correct is the new thing, NOS parts are sky rocketting, and even that is already seeing it's first signs of getting overdone.

This is a topic that could be expanded upon for many many more paragraphs, and by people far more knowledgeable and involved than I so I'll end this one here.

But the biggest tradgedy for me,

Simple teachings like "Love your neighbor as yourself" and the concept of sacrifice and enduring hardships are now cliche. Saying something like "the night is always darkest before the dawn" to your buddy who just caught his old lady cheating on him and he's been on a bender for 2 weeks will probably get you punched in the mouth.

People love to come up with catch phrases, summing up entire schools of thought into a sentence. The best catch phrases catch on, and soon become lame, out dated, and totally ignored cause it's something your Grandmother used to say to your Dad when he got in trouble or was having a hard time. So not only do we not listen to them, we tend to intentionally do the oppositte, wanting to be an induvidual, and desiring to make our own mold.

Tell you what the problem with that is... as mentioned before... it's all been done before! (Look, another cliche phrase!) But it's true. Do you really think you're the first person to rebel against conventional wisdom? The human race has been around long enough to pretty much come up with every cheap way out of a situation, commit every dispicable act, display of "individualism," and even the right way to do things! The formula was laid out for us a loooong time ago, and it didn't take long for people who knew better than everyone else to screw it up.

Proverbs attributes gray hair as a crown of wisdom on a man's head. Last played out phrase I promise... with age comes wisdom. Maybe Gramps knows a thing or three... maybe the next time an old timer has some words of rebuttal for the way you're living, even if it's in a phrase you heard on the andy griffith show, pay attention.

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